Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Am Adam

I am an awesome cop
I wonder what Sergent thinks of me
I hear fighting and yelling and a gun shot
I want to run fast but my little short legs aren't long enough.
I am an awesome cop

I pretend to be a super man
I feel like a super man.
I touch his shirt
I worry I won't grip it tight enough
I cry as he slips away
I am an awesome cop

I understand not everyone is the best
I say I will give my best
I dream I am the next Sergent in line
I try to give my 110%
I hope to be looked up at as the best cop in town
I am awesome

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Being Courageous Takes Courage

 This book is about four Cops that change their life around in ways that need to be changed for their children and with God's help. They see and hear different stories about each other. They share good, fun, sad, exciting, and scared times together. As they work together, they lean about each other. They help each other become better fathers. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?

 I have chosen this book because it is based on time. Time is very valuable in this life. Either you are using your time wisely or wasting it. This book basically descries how fathers are wasting their time more at work than with their family. Finally they realize it when they hit hard times and are missing out in all the fun. Its also about wrong timing. Like the wrong timing about when someone dies. Or when you don't think wisely and waste time on something that needs to get done.

The main characters in the book are Adam Mitchell, and Nathan Hayes. They are having a hard time trying to be the best Cop in Albany but also a good father and husband. I think they will change their life around when each of them hit hard spots in life. If it includes loosing a loved one, not getting to see your kids, or getting a divorce. They find ways to be what they need to be. But only with God's help they get through the rough times but leading up to even better times.

These fathers will learn more than they thought they could learn. They get in on things that they didn't bargain for but learn fast that they still have to get over it and do it. They come together and show each other things the other didn't know. When they come up will all the things they think they need to become better father. They make a promise to be a good officer and to serve and protect but when they get home to be a good husband and father to the ones they love dearly.

Monday, March 24, 2014

No Ordinary Hero

" A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - Christopher  Reeve ("Superman")

A hero isn't someone who just saves the world. It's someone who is there for you no matter what you're going through. They are someone who you can talk to at any time and you know you can talk to them because they give you the advice you are seeking for. My hero may not be like yours. My hero isn't just any ordinary hero. My hero is someone that keeps me sane when I wanna go crazy. They keep me from making stupid mistakes and making me feel like I am worth something in this thing we called life. I look up to this person. Hero's make the decisions they need to make to make them happy and how to survive on this planet. My hero has been through so much and is fearless. They are have courage and aren't scared to stand out from the crowd. My 'Superman' is someone I look up to that handles things on their own with out having anyone to depend on but themselves. Even though a hero may seem big and bad, they too need someone in their life that they can depend on when they need help or a good laugh. They need someone to save them when they need to be saved.
My hero makes me mad but makes me happy and is there and helps me when I need it the most. They just don't come and save me just once like some hero's do. They only come save you when they are fighting a bad guy.
Hero's aren't the same as they used to be when we were kids. Some hero's are people that save you from when something bad is about to happen. But most of the hero's are the ones that you look up to. The ones that have been through so much but don't act like nothing has bothered him. And they can help you when you are going through something bad. Your hero helps you out. My hero helps me and I help them. They are there to help you no matter how bad the situation is. Just like a hero is supposed to do. They are supposed to save you. Even if you don't want to be saved. They are there waiting for you. A hero is someone you can never give up on.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

#13 Untitled

"Issabel, Issabel!"   "Here I come! I had to get my dress!"  "Alright, come on we are going to be late."

As we ride in the car to the airport , I keep replaying all the memories in my head from these past couple of years. I think about how I graduated high school and started college. I have to say I miss going to school because I like being educated. I went to college for five years to become a nurse. After college I got a job and I loved it. In my first year working I met my fiancĂ© Luke. He's at doctor at the same hospital I work at. He proposed to me after dating two years and both of us getting our careers on track. We are now going to Mexico because that's where we will be getting married. The date of our wedding is June 15th, 2014. Which is tomorrow.  
As we pull up to the airport, I see all my best friends from high school waiting for me. "Issabel!" My best friends cheer at me as they open my door to let me out. "Hey!" I chirped back as smiles appeared on their faces.   "Girls the plane is this way", my mother said. We followed her and it felt like we had been walking for hours. My shoes told each other they got their work out today.

We got on the plane and set down our things and my bags were yelling, "SLEEP!". I took a seat myself following my friends and mother. 
Next thing I know was we were getting off the plane and was greeted by Luke and his parents. 
The wedding was in the beach in Mexico and it was going to be beautiful. 
We went to dinner and everyone was having small conversation. Luke's mom told me she had something for me and she wanted me to wear it every day. I shook my head and she pulled out the ring she wears everyday and it was the ring her mother- in- law have to her. It sat on my finger saying, "I'll get you lots of complements!"

As the next day arrived I was nevous but glad to be marrying my best friend. As everyone was done getting ready I was still getting ready. 
The time had come for me to walk down the aisle and say "I do" to my best friend. After the ceremony we went to the party. 
I had such an amazing day. But what made it the best was Luke and I received a dog. And I was glad because that is the perfect way to start off a family.