Saturday, March 22, 2014

#13 Untitled

"Issabel, Issabel!"   "Here I come! I had to get my dress!"  "Alright, come on we are going to be late."

As we ride in the car to the airport , I keep replaying all the memories in my head from these past couple of years. I think about how I graduated high school and started college. I have to say I miss going to school because I like being educated. I went to college for five years to become a nurse. After college I got a job and I loved it. In my first year working I met my fiancé Luke. He's at doctor at the same hospital I work at. He proposed to me after dating two years and both of us getting our careers on track. We are now going to Mexico because that's where we will be getting married. The date of our wedding is June 15th, 2014. Which is tomorrow.  
As we pull up to the airport, I see all my best friends from high school waiting for me. "Issabel!" My best friends cheer at me as they open my door to let me out. "Hey!" I chirped back as smiles appeared on their faces.   "Girls the plane is this way", my mother said. We followed her and it felt like we had been walking for hours. My shoes told each other they got their work out today.

We got on the plane and set down our things and my bags were yelling, "SLEEP!". I took a seat myself following my friends and mother. 
Next thing I know was we were getting off the plane and was greeted by Luke and his parents. 
The wedding was in the beach in Mexico and it was going to be beautiful. 
We went to dinner and everyone was having small conversation. Luke's mom told me she had something for me and she wanted me to wear it every day. I shook my head and she pulled out the ring she wears everyday and it was the ring her mother- in- law have to her. It sat on my finger saying, "I'll get you lots of complements!"

As the next day arrived I was nevous but glad to be marrying my best friend. As everyone was done getting ready I was still getting ready. 
The time had come for me to walk down the aisle and say "I do" to my best friend. After the ceremony we went to the party. 
I had such an amazing day. But what made it the best was Luke and I received a dog. And I was glad because that is the perfect way to start off a family.

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